Why is White-Glove Service Important?

Why is White-Glove Service Important?
Why do many scientific societies cite our “White-Glove” Service as the reason they come back over and over?
You have agreed to join the committee - to volunteer to organize a conference. Congratulations !
It is very laudable that you are kind enough to volunteer your time and expertise to the community.
However, you are also a busy professional with a demanding career. The various competing responsibilities you juggle every day will not simply disappear for the next months while you have graciously added to your workload.
And the details are never-ending as the tasks multiply. As you get closer to the event, the workload will only increase.
Which leaves you two choices:
- Add more time with the learning curve. Learn how to do everything yourself.
- Find someone who is affordable to whom you can delegate the myriad details.
Fortunately, Underline Science can be that ‘someone.’ As a specialist in Scientific Conferences, this is all we do. Our job is to sweat all the many details and help you forge new ground and achieve excellence for your conference.
We are very attuned to the needs of presenters, researchers, invited speakers and handing all the increasing tasks required for a successful production.
Our backgrounds are aligned; our CEO is a former robotics scientist. Our staff understands the finer points of what is required to produce and stage an event that leaves the presenters and attendees happy, looking forward to the next event together.
Many of us came from the world of publishing and we understand production and publicity of papers throughout the scientific ecosystem.
Most importantly, we are dedicated to breaking new ground and finding ways to grow your conference and making it something everyone talks about for months afterwards.
For example, we recently introduced the groundbreaking and affordable “hybrid poster” units, bringing the in-room poster experience to every presenter, whether local or remote.
We strive to become part of your community; to understand your needs and find ways to grow the attendance, sponsors, finances and ultimately the impact of your conference.
Why do our customers keep coming back? Ask them! We will happily put you in touch with the organisers of ANY of our 200+ conferences and you can learn first-hand of their experiences.
If you wish to know more, please contact us for a no-obligation consultation.
About Underline Science Events
Underline Science specializes in Scientific conferences, having produced more than 200 events. We help to produce a smooth and successful, profitable conference. Our aim is to grow your conference and reach. We aim to increase your membership engagement and value to your constituents. We are experts in Audio Video (which we do in-house) and technology, usually one of the largest conference costs. Societies we serve include IEEE, AAAI, ACL, ACM, SEB and many others.
Don’t take our word for it, contact our very satisfied repeat clients. Let us introduce you to happy associations we serve who keep coming back for more. Feel free to contact us for a no-obligation consultation.
And I think you will enjoy this short video.
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